The process of submitting proposals for projects and events on the Committee's "Greece 2021" electronic platform for the 200th anniversary of the Greek Revolution has reached the finish line.
More than 700 proposals from all over Greece have been submitted, with varying content and context. Proposals have been submitted by municipalities, cultural and educational institutions, companies, and individuals, showing an impressive response to the Committee's invitation to participate in the formation of the program of projects and events that will take place regarding the 200th anniversary of the Revolution.
The implementation of the projects selected after the Assembly evaluation is being considered at this stage.
Submitting proposals to the e-mail address will not be possible after 31 July 2020, to allow ample time for the groundwork of the projects selected for implementation from now on.
Organizations and individuals, from Greece and abroad, who intend to submit their proposals, are kindly requested to do so on the Committee's electronic platform within the month of July.
After the completion of the submission process on the electronic platform, proposals can be made via a written form, mainly to log them. However, these proposals it is not guaranteed that it would be possible to be evaluated.