The "Greece 2021" Committee donates 18 Intensive Care portable beds to the State - Teleconference with the participation of Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis

The "Greece 2021" Committee donates 18 Intensive Care portable beds to the State - Teleconference with the participation of Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis

The main objective of the "Greece 2021" Committee, from the beginning of its operation, is for the projects and events planned for the 200th anniversary of the Revolution to echo the needs and expectations of Greek society and to leave, to the extent possible, a legacy for the future. Fully aware of the current conditions and challenges, the Committee is honoring this landmark anniversary by adjusting its actions to the new circumstances imposed by the enormous battle against the pandemic. With a sense of responsibility and willingness to assist the State in addressing the urgent needs at the health front, it proceeded to donate 18 intensive care beds to the National Health System.

The teleconference for the announcement of the donation was attended by Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis, Minister of Health Vasilis Kikilias and the President of the "Greece 2021" Committee Gianna Angelopoulos-Daskalaki at the Maximos Mansion (Megaro Maximou) and the Governor of the 3rd Health Region Panagiotis Bogiatzidis and the Administrator of the Thessaloniki Hospital "Georgios Papanikolaou," Maria Yiogatzi in Macedonia. The Prime Minister explained that the new beds "will be readily installed in special units in any hospital that needs them", while initially "their base will be the Papanikolaou Hospital in Thessaloniki, a vital pillar of the NHS, which endured the pressure, especially during the difficult weeks of November and December".


"Construction is already underway"
The President of the "Greece 2021" Committee, Gianna Angelopoulos-Daskalaki, commented that "the beds will be delivered fully functional in all aspects and structurally connected to the hospital, to supplement the NHS after the end of the pandemic. Construction, as you know, is already underway."

"National effort to save lives"
"The Papanikolaou Hospital is crucial in our effort at the National Health System in Northern Greece," Health Minister Vasilis Kikilias pointed out. "From the beginning of the crisis to this day (the Papanikolaou Hospital) hospitalized over 2,000 patients, and during the same time it hospitalized more than 280 people in intensive care units," said the Governor of the 3rd Health Region Panagiotis Bogiatzidis. "We truly are deeply honored to talk with you today; allow us to convey the wishes, thoughts, and appreciation of the approximately 2000 employees of the hospital who try their best every day and offer high-quality services to our fellow patients who ask for our help" noted the Administrator of the Thessaloniki Hospital "Georgios Papanikolaou," Maria Yiogatzi.