“Greece 2021” Committee delegation visits Serres

“Greece 2021” Committee delegation visits Serres

"Through local government, universities, productive institutions, workers' unions, we can create the new image that we envision for ourselves, emphasizing our contemporary identity," the President of the "Greece 2021" Committee, Gianna Angelopoulos-Daskalaki, stressed from Serres and pointed out that this is evident in the projects that are underway throughout Greece on the occasion of the anniversary year.

"It is a fortunate coincidence that we are in Serres on the day that Thessaloniki, Macedonia, unveils the true portrait of Greece to the world," she added in her statement following the meeting she had with the mayor, the local authorities, and MPs of the Macedonian city (Fotini Arabatzi, Theophilos Leontaridis and Anastasios Hadjivassiliou from ND and Eleftherios Avramakis from SYRIZA.

Referring to the Committee's work, Mrs. Angelopoulos underlined that "in difficult circumstances and under a heavy emotional burden, due to the pandemic and the devastating fires, we managed to remind the whole world that by looking back into our history we obtain valuable lessons to help us armor the future and acquire the necessary provisions for the road."