The "Greece 2021" Committee, honoring its commitment to using the budget surplus for the benefit of society, delivered essential firefighting and rescue equipment worth 744,612 euros to the Minister of Climate Crisis and Civil Protection, Christos Stylianides, during a simple ceremony.
Συγκεκριμένα, η δωρεά αφορά σε 100 συσκευές GPS με άδειες για σύνδεση στο σύστημα engage, 166 συστήματα ενδοεπικοινωνίας, 100 επινώτιους πυροσβεστήρες, 200 φορητούς ασυρμάτους, 100 συστήματα τηλεματικής σε υδροφόρα οχήματα, 10 αεροσυμπιεστές πλήρωσης φιαλών των αναπνευστικών συσκευών, εργαλεία κοπής μετάλλου και διασωστικά εργαλεία διάνοιξης θυρών.
Specifically, the donation concerns 100 GPS devices with licenses for connection to the engage system, 166 intercom systems, 100 fire extinguishers, 200 portable radios, 100 telematics systems for fire trucks, ten breathing apparatus air bottles filling compressors, metal cutting tools, and rescue tools for forcing doors open.
"We ordered all these after we inquired about the needs, and we expedited the procedures," underlined the President of the "Greece 2021" Committee and added: "This donation, as well, was made with money from the society. Every person who participated in the Committee's Numismatic Programme should be proud; they not only acquired collectible coins and helped to carry out projects and events throughout Greece and the world during the anniversary year, but also, with the surplus accumulated thanks to our sensible management, they participated in the implementation of actions such as today's donation, that leave a significant imprint on the future and support society as a whole".
"This is a donation of substance. And the added value of these sponsorships is that they overcame bureaucratic obstacles. This significant donation has managed to overcome all bureaucratic obstacles very speedily and has already been put at the disposal of the Fire Department", pointed out the Minister of Climate Crisis and Civil Protection.